Friday, October 15, 2010

10 10 15 [Pressing forward as always]

Had a good meeting with Will Williams at Clatter and Din Post today. The studios are very cool, they make a lot with what they have. I'm not saying that a full Pro Tools house is nothing but I was a little surprised that their big studios are run from C24's. Hey, it's Post, I know. Maybe they'll be getting Icons in the future. Of course compared to the audio department at Griptonite it makes it look like SSL's. But that was for games, they don't exactly need much. I think that that place (C&D) will figure in my future.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

10 10 14 10:21 - [the beginning, and some random thoughts]

Why did I design your site like that? Can't I tell that that is not how websites are "supposed" to look? Everyone knows that websites are now set in stone and should look polished and professional. Are they? I don't believe that something that starts out as a blank canvas can be set to rigid conventions. Websites have been changing and adopting new standards every month since they've been in existence. My own artisitc sense could not allow me to use a template like this one, whether for my web page or for the audio in it. To be sure, in order to get a gig, you must be able to create something that "sounds like" what the client is already expecting and I can do that, yes, for I do have musical talent, and sound design talent. I know how to create a mood that will make you feel scared, happy, excited or any number of emotions that may be needed for the scene at hand. I learn fast what technology fits the bill to make things work and I figure out how to do it. I may not be the worlds best website designer, but I'd rather do it myself than act as a manager for my own ideas. I say, if you can't be bothered to make your own site, then you probably aren't doing your own sound design either. I just don't trust you somehow. 

I hope to use this blog to relate some of the ideas I come up with and share them with interested sound designers and composers. I would hope that information would also flow toward me. Some of the things I'm interested in include Field Recording for Sound Effects, Making Sound for Picture, Making Music, Transcribing Music, Composing for Jazz and Classical as well as my serious passion for Electronic Music and all things related to Synthesizers, including their History.
Coming Soon - I repair my DXB (it has a dead LCD). Don't worry, that's what I used to do.