Wednesday, November 16, 2011

[Esoteric Synthesis] What does that thing do?

Let's talk about synthesis, either on a vintage synth or an emulation of one, which I'm sure you have, and if you don't, then get your Linux over to and get some. Here's one that I see on my synths and can always be assured of forgetting what it does, so i'm writing it down for myself for reference. I'm talking about "Key Tracking" or "Key Follow". What is Key Follow (Key Tracking) you say? It's pretty simple. First think of a Flute or some instrument that has a rougher sound in the low register than the bright sound in the high and you'll get the picture. The Key Follow allows you to set your synth sound up so that the timbre is different in the low notes vs the high (or vice versa). Key follow set up in middle or neutral position will not affect the sound. Key follow set high, will mean that the lower you play on the keyboard, the cutoff filter will trigger lower and lower, giving a darker sound. Key follow set low, will give you the opposite, the higher you play on the keyboard the more the cutoff is lowered. Pretty cool for giving the synth sound some feeling to it. Maybe tomorrow I can talk about Velocity.

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